Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cutting Taxes??

Am I the only one that thinks that proposed tax cuts are a horrible idea right now?  This is obviously vote-getting propaganda by both parties.  I mean, think about a scenario where one of the candidates would come out and say, "My plan does not involve cutting taxes".  Their poll rating would drop 20% over night.  Yet they both propose cutting taxes at a time when the national deficit is increasing at a staggering rate. 
You're going to swing a multi-trillion dollar a year deficit by cutting taxes and cutting some spending?  Trillions of dollars!  C'mon, we aren't THAT dumb, are we?  All while ramping up war efforts?  Who cuts taxes during a war, anway??!!! How is that even possible??  Nothing adds up anymore.  We even have calculators. And computers!  Why won't they use them?  There are no excuses for ignorance at that level.  You don't go to war and cut taxes at the same time unless you are trying to win a popularity contest.  Oh yea. Its like quitting your job and buying a house in the same week.  Sure, you get what you want - but the piper is on his way, he's pissed, and he is bi-lingual!
The trickle-down theory is so elementary that people feel like they can understand it - at least when its presented to them by the media heads.  I guess if you can't understand something you won't vote for it.  Makes sense, right?  Which is exactly why it's a horrible idea to even bother explaining this crap to people. 
The reason we use a representative democracy is to avoid situations where you have uneducated citizens making complicated decisions regarding the nations economic policies, for example.  You wouldn't want a pie maker making decisions on how to design your vehicle, right? 
Unfortunately, the representative democracy plan falls apart when the voters are fed bogus one-liners - and for the most part base their opinions on them.  Does it really make any sense for the candidates to get into grave detail about the intricacies of their proposed plans and policies?  As a whole, we are not smart enough to know which ones work better.  You can tell me that you plan on abolishing the mark-to-market account method, but that doesn't mean anything to me without taking several courses and economics and accounting.  That is, until I turn on the radio and hear Rush Limbaugh preaching about how this plan would save the country and that Obama is an evil, terrorist, un-American moron.  Now I have become a well-informed, empowered voter...
It makes much more sense to vote on a candidate's overall goals, ideals and leadership ability.  Sadly, with the games that are being played and the media feeling the need to heavily influence people's decisions - it takes a lot of effort to determine these things.  Perhaps it should be a requirement that you have to have written at least one auto biography no less than 8 years prior to running for president.  At least this way, we would have a fighting chance at learning something real about the candidates.  Of course, only a tiny fraction of the population would actually read the books; I guess for the same reasons that more people vote on american idol, than for the president of the united states.

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