Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Chinese Buffet

Once again I have been pursuaded to join my fellow co-workers at the local cheap chinese buffet. The act of pursuasion took approximately 4 seconds and went something like this:

Co-worker: Dan... chinaman food?
Dan: What time?

I don't know what it is about cheap american chinese food that gets my attention so easily. I don't really enjoy the sweet dishes, but rather the spicy ones. And once I start eating, I really don't stop until I feel so sick that I actually contemplate taking the rest of the day off of work. I am guessing my caloric intake during a Chinese buffet session exceeds 3000 calories. However, I have specifically avoided researching those numbers so that I can continue to eat in ignorant bliss. I always start off with hot and sour soup and I make sure to throw in some of those Chinese snap beans for a small dose of fiber. Other than those two items, I feel like I'm eating heart-attack-on-a-plate... but it's oooh so tasty.

I have noticed lately that my passion for the cheap Chinese buffet has flickered a bit. I don't know if I will ever be able to fully extinguish it, but for now my goal is to at least keep it under control. I haven't been running hardly at all the past 4 or 5 weeks, so I really can't even justify the meal in that regard either. Now that football/tailgating season is nearly here, I seriously need to consider my exercise and eating plan for the upcoming 6 months. So far, 32 years into my life, I have yet to figure out how to eat whatever I want and stay healthy and thin. I was fooled by my metabolism up until about 7 years ago. It's been an internal (and external) battle ever since.

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