Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Slow Week

I haven't put up a blog entry in almost a week.  I think this is mostly due to lack of things to say.  The only topic worthy of noting is the weather... man is it hot.  I'm so happy that I work inside on days like this.  At my prior job I would be out visiting construction sites all over Atlanta on a day like this... 108 degree heat index, noise, dirt, sweat... only to sit in traffic for 90 minutes after each day was finally over.  Wake up at 6:30am, get home at 7:30pm...ugh!
Now I get up close to 7am and get home at about 4:40pm.  My commute is 6 minutes (5 if I don't catch the light at Dean Rd).  And as luck would have it, my office is on the "cold" wing of the building.  The HVAC system in this building is on its last leg, and the temperatures are inconsistent throughout the building.  The south end stays very warm and the north end stays cold all day.  We proposed a new HVAC system for this building, but I hear it got put on the budget for 2014.... oh well.
We received our new Flip Video camera.  Its very tiny and fun to use so far.  I'm still learning how to dump the video and get it archived.  Soon I should be able to post little video clips.  I opened a YouTube account and that may be the most practical way to share video for now.  As for archiving the video... I need to figure out how to get them on to DVD's in a format that most DVD players can understand.  It takes video natively in am MPEG-4 format.  I don't know if current model DVD players come equipped to decode mpeg-4 video.  I'll get it figured out soon enough.

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