Thursday, July 10, 2008


"Procrastination is a type of behavior which is characterized by deferment of actions or tasks to a later time." - Wikipedia

If ever I do manage to put aside my normal pastimes, and begin to direct my attention towards an item on my "to do" list... it never fails that I end up creating an entire new pastime to intercept my good intentions. This time it appears to be this blog that no one will ever read. Yet here I am.

Procrastination is a sickness, and an art. For me, my brain can simultaneously justify my current actions, while at the same time begin formulation a hyper, panic-mode strategy for bailing me out of the very action I am putting off. I suspect this is not helping me grow as a person. Sure, I have become increasingly clever at coming up with ridiculous off-the-wall justifications for most of the things I do (or want to do). In fact, this training has even helped me when I need to come up with quick excuses not to do something. That being said, I am fully aware that most actions/tasks can not be put off forever. The day of reckoning will come. Then I am forced to perform said action in a rushed, tired, weakened state. The results are generally sub par and I know it (although my brain does not allow me to acknowledge this for days after completing the task).

Of course, the conscious justification for procrastinating (at least for me), is that if I accomplish too much in too short of a time span, then I will simply move onto the next task on my todo list. As you know, there is no end to the list. This leaves me fearful of leading a life of never-ending task doing with no time left for leisure. My first inclination was to assume that my logic here was faulty. But my subsequent realization was that my conscious logic is correct because I have seen living proof: My dad and my brother! They are doers. They get stuff done all day long, every day. Now and then they pretend to settle down and read or watch TV, but it is only a front. Secretly they are planning their next 15 tasks in their head. I don't think I could handle a life where I feel like I should be getting something useful done all of the time. I truly enjoy the parts of my life where I blissfully pass the time on leisure activities while my "To Do" list ripens.

To be blunt, I think I will be a moderate to severe procrastinator forever. I have tried to quit, but I always revert. And the whole conscious fear of becoming a doer terribly overwhelming. I may potentially try a new plan one day for breaking my procrastination habit. However, for me to be willing to give it a shot, it has to be a really special plan. Simply planning to stop procrastinating will not work. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to share.

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