Thursday, July 10, 2008

My first blog post!

I have about 15 minutes to spare due to my earlier-than-normal awake time. I slept well last night and I am beginning to formulate a theory on this. I noticed that the dog was not sleeping on my half of the bed. There is a definite pattern. Dog sleeps on my side of bed = poor sleep for me. It is still only a theory at this point, but I intend on controlling some variables and turning this into a full blown experiment.

I'm not real sure what I will write about regularly in a blog, but I'll see how it goes. This may be short-lived. I'm kind of curious how this concept works... initially I just assumed a blog was nothing more than walls of text entries made on a regular basis. However, it seems that most people have much more "sophisticated" blogs than simply journal-style text entries. We shall see I guess.

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