Monday, July 14, 2008

Home Grown Peppers!

My cayenne pepper plant is producing a ton of peppers and im frantically trying to figure out what to do with them. I figured I would start with the most basic form of pepper sauce and work up from there. If course I can't ever leave well enough alone, so I decided that a little garlic salt in the recipe wouldn't hurt. It may still turn out to be ok, but so far the garlic salt made the appearance pretty bad. It didnt not dissolve into the the vinegar solution. Instead it collected at the bottom of the bottle like a bed of coarse sand. When the bottle is agitated it floats around making the entire bottle of sauce look pretty nasty. I will try to add a picture soon.

If it turns out to taste like an experiment, then I may try again using only vinegar and a very small amount of regular salt. After I get that down, I just found a recipe for some morrocan pepper sauce that I will attempt. It uses cloves of garlic, cumin, and olive oil... I am very much looking forward to this. Of course, I will post with some details on how it turns out.

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