Friday, July 11, 2008

Bed and Breakfast Booked

Trina and I are headed to Birmingham tomorrow to attend an evening wedding. As you may have guessed from my last blog entry I procrastinated booking a hotel room. Our original plan was to book a room at the same hotel that our friends Kevin and Heather were staying at. Of course by the time I got around to book it (yesterday), they were full.

Sometimes things have a way of working themselves out (for the better even). As I entered panic mode, I made my way to I typed in the address where the wedding and reception would be held. Travelocity spit out a list of hotels, distances from our destination, availability, travelocity ratings, customer ratings, and pricing information. I was impressed (assuming all of the information turned out to be accurate). The first thing I noticed was that there was a quaint looking bed and breakfast listed very very close to the wedding site. Even more interesting is that it appeared to have a vacancy. Somewhat skeptical I continued to scan. There appeared to me many options nearby; however, the nice hotels that were affordable were all booked. Ther nice hotels that were unaffordable had some vacancies but were too expensive. And then of course there were the 1-star hotels with vacancies and affordable prices, but required bearing of arms if you chose to stay there. So I decided to make a phone call to the bed and breakast to find out more.

No one answered so I left a message. I got a return call within 10 minutes and was greeted by what sounded to be a very nice elderly, yet spunky, lady. She described the bed and breakfast just as one would imagine. It is decked out in victorian decor and it located in the "trendy" part of downtown Birmingham and is only one block from the location of the wedding and reception that we will be attending. She also noted that there is a lot of vibrant activity in the area including nice restaurants, hotels, and other night scenes. And that most people visiting this part of Brimingham just walk around since everything is in close proximity. She compared it to the atmosphere of Buckhead in Atlanta. And yes, there was one room still available. The price for the room was even less expensive than the original Hotel that our friends had booked, which was about 3 miles out. And being within walking distance will work out great since we are sure to enjoy a cocktail or four. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the full home-cooked breakfast at 9 o'clock AM included in the price!

Having never been to a bed and breakfast, I am very much looking forward to it. Admittedly, it will be a little different and we likely won't have enough time to fully enjoy it, but I think overall it will be a good taste of what a B&B has to offer. I may even write a review on Travelocity when we get home.


Unknown said...

Dan, it was great seeing you and Trina this past weekend. Glad to hear the B&B was a good experience for you both. Kevin and I love your blog... most entertaining! You have quite a knack for writing.


Unknown said...

Thank you. We too enjoyed the trip and enjoyed hanging out with you and Kevin. It's too bad it was such a short trip. I hope we can get together again sometime in the near future.